
 John thought that he was very clever and that no one could play a trick on him. So he often talked about his cleverness. He once spoke very rudely (粗魯) to Tom.You will never play a trick on me, Tom. You are too stupid (愚蠢).

 “Wait here by the gate, replied Tom, I'll find a way to trick (捉弄) you. Then he went home.

 Two hours later Lucy came along.Why are you standing here? she asked John. I'm waiting for Tom, replied John. He is going to trick me.

 “Tom has gone to his home said Lucy, You have already been tricked!

 After that John never spoke about his cleverness again.

根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從下列各題所給的A. B. C. D 四個選項中選出最佳答案.

1 John thought himself ___________.   

[  ]

A a rude man

B a clever boy

C a stupid man

D a brave boy

2 Tom let John wait by the gate and left there to __________.   

[  ]

A find a good way to trick John.

B escape (逃脫) from John

C have a trick on John

D have a rest

3 John stayed there _________.   

[  ]

Ato see if Tom dare come again

Bto wait for Lucy

Cto have a rest

D to wait for Tom to come

4In fact John ________________________.   

[  ]

A was tricked by Tom

B tricked Tom

C tricked Lucy

D tricked himself

5 From the story we know that John __________.   

[  ]

Ais clever indeed

B isn't clever at all

Cis warm-hearted (熱心的)

D likes having tricks on himself.


科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇省無錫市陽山中學(xué)2011-2012學(xué)年八年級下學(xué)期期中檢測英語試題 題型:050


  Our village carpenter(木匠),John Hill, came one day and made a dining table for my wife.He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two window.When I got home that evening, John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill(賬單)for his job.

  My wife said to me quietly, “That's his ninth cup of tea today.”But she said in a loud voice, “It's a beautiful table, dear, isn't it?” “I'll decide about that when I see the bill,” I said.John laughed and gave me his bill for the work.I read:

  One dining table      10th November, 2011

  Cost of wood        $17∶00

  Paint           $1.50

  Work, 8 hours($1 an hour)  $8.00

  Total           $36.50

  When I was looking at the bill, John said,” It's been a fine day, hasn't it? Quite sunny.”

  “Yes,” I said.“I'm glad it's only the 10th of November.”

  “Me, too,” said John, “you wait-it will be a lot colder by the end of the month.”

  “Yes, colder-and more expensive! Dining table will be $20 more expensive on November 30th, won't they, John?”

  John looked hard at me for half a minute.Was there a little smile in his two blue eyes? I gave his bill back to him.

  “If it's not too much trouble, John,” I said,“Please add(加)it up again, You can forget the date…”

  I paid him $26.50 and he was happy to get it.


Why did John talk about the weather when the writer was looking at the bill?

[  ]


Because he didn't want the writer to check the bill carefully.


Because he wanted to show that he was really polite.


Because it's a good way to communicate with each other.


Because he wanted to confirm what the weather was like.


How much would John ask for if he made a dining table on the last day of December according to his bill?

[  ]


$ 26.50








When John got the money, he was happy because ________.

[  ]


he felt lucky to get the money for his work


he got paid a lot more than usual for his work


he got as much money as he had expected


he didn't have to add up the costs any more


Which word can best describe John?

[  ]










What can we learn about John from the passage?

[  ]


He made a mistake carelessly in the bill


He tried to get more money for his work.


He had written the bill before the writer got home


He had talked about the bill with the writer's wife.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


  Mr Black gave his wife money every Friday evening, but she always spent it before the next Wednesday. For the next three days she had none. Every Tuesday evening, Mr Black asked her, " But what did you spend all that money on? " and she always answered. " I don't know. "

  One Friday Mr Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil and gave them to his wife along with the money. " Now look, " he said to her, " when you get the money from me, write it down on this page, and on the next page write down what happens to the money. "

  When Mr Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife came to him and showed him the book. " I have done what you told me, " she said happily. On the first page she had written " Friday, 28th June. I got £ 18 from John, " and on the next page, " Tuesday, 2nd July. I have spent it all. "


  1. Mrs Black ______ how she had spent the money.

[  ]

   A. want to know  B. knew quite well

   C. didn't know   D. often asked herself

  2. Mr Black told his wife to write down ______ on the next page.

[  ]

   A. when she spent the money

   B. where she spent the money

   C. why she spent so much money

   D. what she bought with the money

  3. By ______ evening there was no more money left for Mrs Black.

[  ]

   A. Tuesday  B. Wednesday  C. Thursday  D. Friday

  4. ______ Mrs Black began to write down how much her husband had given her.

[  ]

   A. At the beginning of July

   B. By the end of June

   C. On Friday evening

   D. Every weekend

  5. In the end, Mr Black was sure ______.  

[  ]

   A. that his wife has a habit of saving money

   B. that most of the money had been spent on food

   C. about how the money had been spent

   D. that his wife spent her money without much care or thought


科目:初中英語 來源:活學(xué)巧練八年級英語下 題型:050


  I have a very good friend. His name is John Jordan. He's a fine man and he's very intelligent(聰明的).

  There is one very strange(奇怪的) thing about him. He is very capable(有能力的) and he can do some very hard things. The funny thing is that he can't do some of the very simple(簡單的) things in life. At least(至少) I think they are simple.

  He can drive a car, he can fly a plane, and he can sail a boat. But he can't ride a bike. He could never learn to ride a bike. Isn't that funny?

  He's a very good player. He can play basketball, football and baseball. He can also play tennis and golf. But he can't swim. He can never learn to swim.

  He learns languages easily, too. He knows Russian, German, Italian and Chinese. He can speak, read and write Russian and Italian. He can speak German, but he can't read it. He can read Chinese, but he can't speak it. Isn't that strange?

1.John Jordan is the writer's________.

[  ]

A.good friend

2.The writer thinks________.

[  ]

A.some of the things in life are very simple

B.John Jordan is very capable, but he can't do some of the very simple things in life

C.John Jordan can do some of the very simple things in life

D.somebody must help him to do simple things in life

3.The writer says Jordan________.

[  ]

A.can't drive a car

B.can speak Chinese

C.likes boating

D.can never learn to swim

4.John Jordan________.

[  ]

A.likes foreign languages

B.is a good swimmer

C.can speak Russian but can't write it

D.knows quite a few languages


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

  Hello! My name is Peter. I am 12 years old. Betty, Mary and Yokiko are my
friends. My father is a teacher. His name is John. My mother’s name is Chris. I
love them very much. I have no brothers or sisters. Betty is 13, she has a brother.
His name is Norman. Mary has two brothers and a sister. Her sister’s name is
Rose. Her parents are Colin and Amy. Yokiko is young. She is two years younger
than Mary. And she is a Japanese girl. She has one brother and one sister. Her
sister’s name is Haruko. She is very cute.
Name Age Father Mother Brother(s) Sister(s)
Peter 1._____ 2._____ 3._____
Betty 4._____ Alan Peggy 5._____
Mary 13 Colin 6._____ 7._____
Yokiko 11 8._____

