人的潛能就如同含苞待放的花蕾,只要綻放,就會吐露芬芳;人的潛能就如同蘊藏豐富的礦山,只要開采,就會收獲寶藏;                        ,                  ,
need  remember  never  like  water  do  another  mistake  often  friendship  good  rich
Graduation is coming! Many students are leaving school. What are they taking with them? A lot of things for sure, but the most important thing is ___【小題1】___.
We asked some teachers to give us the last lesson. The lesson is proverbs about friends. Older people _ 【小題2】____ teach proverbs to younger people. Every culture has proverbs. They are short and easy to ___【小題3】 __.
There is a German proverb which says, “Friendship is a plant we must __【小題4】___.” It means that we need to take care of friends ___【小題5】___ taking care of a garden. “Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.” is _ 【小題6】___ proverb from Japan. It means that only __【小題7】___ friends tell you when you are making a __【小題8】_____.
My grandfather told me, “Nobody is so _ 【小題9】____ that he can throw away a friend.” Everyone __【小題10】____ friends. Be good to them.
Goodbye, friends! Don’t forget us!


【小題4】water 作動詞,表示“澆水”。根據(jù)句意,“我們必須給植物澆水”。
【小題5】like doing sth.。根據(jù)句意“我們對待朋友要像對待花園一樣”。
【小題7】good ,形容詞,“好的”。只有好朋友才會在你犯錯的時候告訴你。
