
  Susan came back home late 1 work,and she 2 hurry to the airport to meet her friend.She 3 time for cooking.Actually(實(shí)際上),she didn’t even have time for supper.What could she do?

  But she didn’t need to 4 that.She drove to the McDonald’s and the McDonald’s helped her.It is a good place for 5 food.There are a lot of McDonald’s in the United States.You can find them both in cities and small towns.Those restaurants all have golden arches(拱形)on top.They all 6 a big letter“M”and you can find them 7 .With about 6 to 8 dollars,you can get quite a good meal.They have different kinds of food in the restaurants:sandwiches,hamburgers,salads,chicken,fish,beef and chips.They have different kinds of drinks,too.The service is quick.Just pay at the cash desk and you can get you 8 at once.

  If you don’t need to 9 ,you can sit there and enjoy your meal.If not,just stop your car

10 a window,pay for your food and take it away.You can have your meal in your car.

(  )1.A.for      B.to       C.from    D.before

(  )2.A.have      B.have to    C.had     D.had to

(  )3.A.doesn’t have  B.didn’t have  C.has     D.had

(  )4.A.worry     B.be worried   C.worry about  D.worried about

(  )5.A.healthy     B.delicious   C.fast     D.quick

(  )6.A.look like    B.look at    C.look for   D.look after

(  )7.A.easy      B.easily    C.later on    D.in a hurry

(  )8.A.meal      B.drink    C.fruit     D.seafood

(  )9.A.work      B.drive    C.hurry up   D.hurry 

(  )10.A.in the front of  B.in front of  C.behind    D.nearby

1.C  2.D  3.B  4.C  5.C 6.A 7.B  8.A 9.D  10.B 

