1. I have a good ___________(記憶力), I can remember things in a short time.
2. Jim is unkind, he has few friends, so he often plays ___________ (獨(dú)自).
3. We eat about 27,000 kilos of food ___________ (在---期間) our lives.
4. The doctor tried to s___________ the baby's life.
5. Don't ___________ /p?: (r)/ the juice over your clothes.
6. He is ill, so he feels very ___________ /wi: k/.
1. memory  2. alone  3. during   4. save   5. pour  6. weak

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Please make as few m___ as you can.
2. We feel c___ when we heard about that. How confusing it is!
3. The poet usually express his feeling s in an u___way.
4. Ring me up as s___ as you finish your task.
5. C___ in different countries are different.
6.In the modern s___, learning the cultures in different countries is necessary
7. You can't  use Mr. Mrs or Miss before g___names.
8. Waiting in line is a good m___.
9. Don't be r___ when you talk to your parents and teachers..
10. Helping the people in t___ is a good manner.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. he _____ (賓格)  
2. tomato _____ (復(fù)數(shù))
3. child _____ (復(fù)數(shù))
4. do _____ (三單)
5. like _____ (三單)
6. family _____ (復(fù)數(shù))
7. them _____ (主格)
8. she _____ (物主代詞)
9. we _____ (物主代詞)


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:模擬題 題型:填空題

1. We'll take part in all kinds of activities d_____ the coming holidays.
2. He has made great p_____in spoken English since last year.
3. Unless you get a driver's l_____, you can't drive a car.
4. Linda, could you please f_____ me a cup of tea?
5. Did Jim and Peter enjoy t_____ while climbing Mount Tai?
6. When will you come back, Dad?I'm m_____ so much.
7. After the exam,I need to take a good r_____.
8. The concert last night wasn't very good. Before it ended, the theatre was
almost e_____.
9. There weren't enough chairs in the meeting room, so some of the students had
to s_____ on the floor.
10. Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday.I am going to buy a g_____ for her.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. The sunshine is too bright. You'd better wear your s ____.
2. Do you like to brush your teeth with the "Gao Lu Jie"t ____ ?
3. Shampoo can make your hair s _____.
4. Obama is a black man and his s _____ is black.
5. There are some _____(產(chǎn)品)in the shop.
6. Wearing sunglasses looks very m _____ and cool.
7. The dish my mother cooks  ____(嘗起來(lái))delicious.
8. Hangzhou is a city of great _____(美麗).


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. The old couple lived in a house made of ________( 木頭).
2. The lights went out, so we had to ________( 點(diǎn)燃) a candle.
3. The dog barked when he heard the ________( 腳步) in the garden.
4. We visited parts of Fujian Province in s________ China.
5. The moon a         quite big and round tonight.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

按照要求,完成詞形變化 。

1. mystery  (形容詞)   _____
2. silk  (形容詞)   _____
3. beautiful  (名詞)   _____
4. white  (比較級(jí))   _____
5. shiny  (最高級(jí))   _____


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. It's so near. I can even(甚至)hear his _____ (呼吸).
2. The teacher asks us to _____(背誦)this text.
3. Jimmy Li's songs are also _____(受歡迎)with the young people.
4. The old man is reading a _____(詩(shī))at the party.
5. The cat is running to the tree _____(悄悄地).


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:期末題 題型:填空題

用所給單詞的正確形式填空 。
1. Jack has a _______ (頭痛) today. He doesn't feel very well.
2. December is the _______ (十二) month of a year.
3. A strong wind is blowing from the _______ (東北).
4. John's bike is _______ (壞了). He needs a new one.
5. My brother grows a lot of_______ (蔬菜) in the garden.

