






5.A.I do it at once.

B.Do as you please.

C.No, you do.

6.A.He is easy-going

B.He is humorous.

C.He is shy.







9.A.I don’t think so.

B.I think not.

C.I am not afraid so.

10.A.He is a hard-working boy.

B.He is imaginative.

C.He loves beautiful things.








13.A.10th Dec

B.20th Dec

C.30th Dec

14.A.He is well.

B.He is hungry.

C.He doesn’t feel well.

15.A.They are at school.

B.They are in the hospital.

C.They are in a shop.


16.A.the park

B.the zoo

C.the school

17.A.He looked after his mother.

B.He did some housework.

C.He played with his friends.


18.A.The predictions of Chinese Horoscope.

B.The star sign in the west countries.

C.Lucy’s birthday party.




20.A.The boy will have problems with the post as a chairperson.

B.They haven’t talked about it in the dialogue.

C.Perhaps the book doesn’t say he will have bad luck.


21.Mrs Smith would go ________.

A.to Mrs.White’s house.

B.shopping with her mother.

C.to her mother’s house.

22.She would go there ________.

A.by bus.

B.by train

C.by boat.

23.________ would look after Mr.Smith when his wife was away.

A.Mr.Smith himself.

B.His sister.

C.Mrs Smith’s mother.

24.Mrs.Smith came back ________.

A.a(chǎn) week later.

B.a(chǎn) few days later.

C.three days later.

25.The house was so clean when Mrs.Smith came back because ________.

A.Mr.Smith did some cleaning when she’s away.

B.Mr.Smith was in restaurants and didn’t do the cooking at all.

C.Mr.Smith had someone clean the house.



  1.It must be the last animal of the 12animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.

  2.His birthday is on 22nd Nov-20th Dec.What is his star sign?

  3.It is the second animal in both Chinese horoscope and star signs.

  4.This animal is in the Star signs but it isn’t in the Chinese horoscope.


  5.It’s too hot inside.Do you mind my opening window?

  6.Why can’t we play any jokes with him?

  7.Sandy always does the best in the exams.But she never shows off.What do you think she is like?

  8.Simon’s birthday is June 1st.What is his star sign?

  9.Do you think Peter would be a good chairperson?

  10.Billy has all kinds of different ideas.


  11.M:Lucy was born on May 28th.

  W:So she is a curious and clever person.She is outgoing.

  M:That’s what she is like.

  Q:What star sign do you think she is.

  12.M:David is always asking questions.He is hard working.He is interested in everything.

  W:I like the student with such characteristics.

  Q:Which characteristics does David have?

  13.M:It’s December 20th, isn’t it?

  W:Yes.I still remember Daniel’s birthday party ten days ago.

  Q:When perhaps was Daniel’s birthday?

  14.M:John was in the rain on the way home yesterday.He got all wet.

  W:So he isn’t at school now.He must catch cold.

  Q:How is John today?

  15.M:Lucy.Look at the beautiful skirt.

  W:Yes, but it’s too expensive.

  Q:Do you think where they are?

  Q:16.Where did the girl go yesterday.

  Q:17.What did the boy do yesterday.


  M:Hello Mary.Where did you go yesterday?

  W:It was Sunday and I went to the park with my friends.

  M:Did you have a good time in the park?

  W:Yes, we did.What about you, Tom?

  M:Oh.I just stayed at home to help my mother do the housework.Such as water the flowers, wash the dishes.


  M:Hi, Lucy.I’ve read a book of Chinese Horoscope.It’s very interesting.

  W:Really.Would you like to predict what will happen to you for this month?

  M:Yes, It says I’ll have a mixture of good luck and had luck.

  W:Will you start with the good luck?

  M:Yes, I’ll have great success at school.And I’ll be recommended as the new chairperson of the students’ union.

  W:Don’t be so confident.Peter is even more suitable for the post.

  M:I agree with you.But I’ll try my best.

  Q:18.What does the dialogue talk about?

  19.Who is more suitable as a chairperson of the students’ Union!

  20.What bad luck do they talk about?


  Mrs.Smith’s mother was ill in bed a few days ago.So she had to go and look after her.Before she left, she said to her husband, “I’d better tell you where everything is, or you won’t know what to do.But my train is leaving in half an hour’s time and I must go now.”

  “Don’t worry,” said Mr.Smith, “I can look after myself.” But in fact, he couldn’t find any food he needed.When his wife came back three days later.She `found the house was very clean, and there were no dirty dishes to wash.That’s because he had eaten in restaurants since she went away.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:無(wú)錫市惠山區(qū)2007-2008學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期中考試初一英語(yǔ)試卷及參考答案 題型:001



1.Where is Spotty?

A.Behind the door.

B.Under the chair.

C.Behind the chair.

2.What is not in the park?

A.A lake.


C.Trees and birds.

3.Who is beside the tree?




4.How many posters are there on the walls?




5.What is Tony’s mother?

A.A teacher.

B.A nurse.

C.A cook.

6.How many computer lessons does Simon have every week?




7.What does Mary often do on Sundays?

A.She goes to the bookshop.

B.She goes shopping.

C.She reads books at home.

8.What would Tom like to have this year?

A.A radio.

B.An MP3.

C.A basketball.

9.Where does Linda often have lunch?

A.At home.

B.At a restaurant.

C.At school.

10.How long does Steven watch TV in the evening?

A.One hour.

B.Two hours.

C.Three hours.


11.What time does he get up on Sundays?

A.He gets up at six.

B.He gets up at six thirty.

C.He gets up at seven.

12.Where does he go after breakfast?

A.He goes to work.

B.He goes to the park.

C.He goes to the bookshop.

13.What does he often do in the park?

A.He runs for half an hour.

B.He waters flowers.

C.He swims there.

14.Who does he play basketball with?

A.His students.

B.His teachers.

C.His friends.

15.How long does he look for things on the Internet?

A.Two hours.

B.An hour.

C.Half an hour.


It’s Saturday today.It’s Betty’s birthday.She ________(16)a new white T-shirt and a pair of blue ________(17).She looks cool!There are some drinks and ________(18)on the table.Her friends have a lot of ________(19)for her-h(huán)air clips, CDs, comic books and some ________(20).She is very happy.All the friends ________(21)the party.Some of them ________(22)about interesting films.Some sit on the sofa and ________(23)with each other, and some boys play computer games in the room.At last all her friends ________(24)to her and sing ‘Happy birthday’ to her.Then they ________(25)the big birthday cake with her.Betty has a nice birthday and all her friends have a good time.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2008年江蘇省常州市初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)統(tǒng)一考試、英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:001



1AGiraffes. BPandas. CSquirrels

2AMy pleasure. BNever mind. CNo problem

3AJust so-so. BThank you. CI don't think so

4AGood luck to you. BCongratulations. CI'm sorry to hear that


5What does Jane most probably do?

AAn actress. BA director. CA pop singer

6What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

AClassmates. BTeacher and student. CTeacher and parent

7What colour will the robot change into when the man is sad?

AGreen. BBlue. COrange

8How does the woman feel?

ATired. BStressed. CSad

9Who needs help with English?

AJim. BAmy. CSandy

10What time is it now?

A440. B500. C520

11Where is the man's watch?

AOn the bedside table

BOn the desk

CIn the bag

12Why are the speakers in such a hurry?

ABecause they are late for school

BBecause they want to catch the train

CBecause they want to do exercise

13What does the woman advise the man to take?

ASome money. BSomething expensive. CFlowers or sweets

14Where does the dialogue most probably take place?

AAt a bus stop. BAt a theatre. CAt a bank



15Why won't they take a taxi?

ABecause there's no taxi nearby

BBecause it's not very far

CBecause it's expensive to take a taxi

16What are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?

AGo to school

BGo to the museum

CGo to a concert

17How much will the tickets cost them?

A150 yuan. B300 yuan. CNothing


18What's the woman's problem?

AShe feels nervous about the test

BShe doesn' t work hard

CShe has never taken any test

19What does the man think can help solve the woman's problem?

AGood luck. BDeep breathing. CKind advice

20What is the man's suggestion for getting good results in exams?

ATalking with others

BOften taking tests

CAlways working hard


21How many apples did the shopkeeper try to give the boy?

ATwo. BFour. CSix

22The boy's mother had got________her son got in the fruit shop

Aas many apples as

Bfewer apples than

Cmore apples than

23How much did the boy pay for the apples at last?

A2 dollars. B4 dollars. C6 dollars

24What do you think of the boy?

AImpolite. BSelfish. CSmart


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年內(nèi)蒙古包頭市高中招生考試英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:001



1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________



6.Where is Tom's father?

A.In London.

B.In Paris.

C.In New York.

7.How long will Bob stay in his office tomorrow morning?

A.Seven hours.

B.Eight hours.

C.Nine hours.

8.What' s Bill doing now?

A.Playing basketball.

B.Playing football.

C.Doing his homework.

9.Why wouldn't the man like more cakes?

A.Because he doesn't like cakes.

B.Because he is full.

C.Because he wants to eat some bread.

10.Why does the man's father drink so much?

A.Because he is very sad.

B.Because he likes drinking.

C.Because he is very happy.


11.Who are the speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Doctor and patient.

12.How long should the boy spend taking exercise every week?

A.Twenty minutes.

B.Forty minutes.

C.An hour.


13.Which is the best season to go to Dalian?




14.Has the man been to Dalian before?

A.Yes, he has.

B.No, he hasn't.

C.We don't know.

15.What does the man advise the woman to take?

A.An umbrella.

B.Comfortable shoes.

C.A pair of sunglasses.


16.When did the speaker come to China?

A.Two years ago.

B.Last month.

C.Five years ago.

17.What does the speaker do?

A.A student.

B.A teacher.

C.A manager.

18.Where is the speaker from?




19.Why don't the students give their foreign teacher any advice?

A.They like their teacher's teaching.

B.They think it's not polite.

C.They don't like their teacher's teaching.

20.What is the speaker talking about?

A.Differences between cultures.

B.How to be a good teacher.

C.How to get along well with others.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2008江蘇南通八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)期中試卷牛津版 牛津版 題型:001




6.A.No, I don’t

B.Don’t worry

C.Sorry, I won’t


B.How do you know that?

C.Thank you.The same to you!

8.A.She is beautiful.

B.How about you?

C.Nice to meet you!

9.A.Yes, they are

B.Yes, I agree with you

C.I’m glad to hear that

10.A.The radio says it’s windy.

B.It’s very hot here in summer

C.I’d like to swim tomorrow.


11.Which bird does Daniel like best?

A.The swan.

B.The crane.

C.The sparrow.

D.The swallow.

12.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A fine boat.

B.Their friend Tom.

C.The weather.

D.The radio.

13.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn’t know the way to the Animal Center, either.

B.He doesn’t like talking to people who he doesn’t know.

C.He’s on a visit there.He’s too busy to help others.

D.He knows the way but he doesn’t want to tell the person.

14.When will Kate be back?

A.She will be back in January.

B.She won’t be back in January.

C.No, she won’t be back.

D.Yes, she is coming back in January.

15.What do the visitors think of the city?

A.They like it very much.

B.They have no idea.

C.They hate the city.

D.I don’t know.


16.Dick ________ at the age of seven.

A.starts school

B.goes to school by bus every day

C.helps his mother cook in the kitchen

17.What was Dick' s mother doing that Saturday?

A.She was doing some housework.

B.She was watching TV in her room.

C.She was helping Dick with his homework.

18.What did Mother ask Dick to do?

A.To do his homework.

B.To wash some apples.

C.To call his father back.

19.Dick took ________for himself.

A.the smallest one

B.the biggest one

C.the nicest one

20.What do you think of Dick?

A.He is a rude boy.

B.He is a careless boy.

C.He is a polite boy.

